Electronic Waste Recycling
States have different policies and options for recycling certain types of electronic waste, such as printers, desktop computers, laptops, tablets, televisions (including CRT, LCD, and plasma), and video display devices. See below for information on electronic waste recycling for residents of select states.
For information on where Connecticut residents can go to recycle used electronic devices, visit https://www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2714&q=463108&deepNav_GID=1645 or call toll-free 1-888-424-4193.
District of Columbia
Learn how to recycle electronics at doee.dc.gov/ecycle.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www.hawaii.gov/ewaste or call 1-808-586-4226.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www2.illinois.gov/epa/topics/waste-management/electronics-recycling.
Many electronics may not be thrown in the trash in Indiana. Indiana E-Cycle provides easy and affordable recycling for Indiana residents. Visit www.idem.IN.gov/recycle/2377.htm for more information.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit https://www.pca.state.mn.us/living-green/electronic-waste-and-recycling or call 1-800-657-3864.
New Jersey
Free e-cycling for computers, monitors, portable computers, and TVs at participating collection sites near you. For more information, visit http://www.nj.gov/dep/dshw/ewaste/collectionsites.pdf or call 1-866-DEPKNOW (small businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees included).
New York
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/66872.html or call 1-518-402-8706.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www.oregon.gov/DEQ/ecycles/Pages/Consumers.aspx or call 1-888-532-9253.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www.dep.pa.gov/Citizens/RecyclingDisposal/Electronics/Pages/default.aspx or call 1-800-346-4242.
Puerto Rico
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit http://www.ads.pr.gov/files/2017/07/Reciclaje_electronicos.pdf.
Rhode Island
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/wastemanagement/facilities/e-waste-households.php.
For information regarding the legal disposition and recycling of covered television equipment (TVs), visit www.TexasRecyclesTVs.org.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit https://dec.vermont.gov/waste-management/solid/product-stewardship/electronics#information or call 1-855-6ecycle.
E-Cycle Washington provides free e-cycling for computers, monitors, and TVs at participating collection sites near you. For recycling locations, visit www.ecyclewashington.org or call 1-800-Recycle.
Many electronics may not be thrown in the trash. E-Cycle Wisconsin provides easy and affordable recycling for Wisconsin residents. Visit dnr.wi.gov and search "e-cycle" for more information.
For information on where Connecticut residents can go to recycle used electronic devices, visit https://www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2714&q=463108&deepNav_GID=1645 or call toll-free 1-888-424-4193.
District of Columbia
Learn how to recycle electronics at doee.dc.gov/ecycle.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www.hawaii.gov/ewaste or call 1-808-586-4226.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www2.illinois.gov/epa/topics/waste-management/electronics-recycling.
Many electronics may not be thrown in the trash in Indiana. Indiana E-Cycle provides easy and affordable recycling for Indiana residents. Visit www.idem.IN.gov/recycle/2377.htm for more information.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit https://www.pca.state.mn.us/living-green/electronic-waste-and-recycling or call 1-800-657-3864.
New Jersey
Free e-cycling for computers, monitors, portable computers, and TVs at participating collection sites near you. For more information, visit http://www.nj.gov/dep/dshw/ewaste/collectionsites.pdf or call 1-866-DEPKNOW (small businesses with fewer than 50 full-time employees included).
New York
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/66872.html or call 1-518-402-8706.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www.oregon.gov/DEQ/ecycles/Pages/Consumers.aspx or call 1-888-532-9253.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit www.dep.pa.gov/Citizens/RecyclingDisposal/Electronics/Pages/default.aspx or call 1-800-346-4242.
Puerto Rico
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit http://www.ads.pr.gov/files/2017/07/Reciclaje_electronicos.pdf.
Rhode Island
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/wastemanagement/facilities/e-waste-households.php.
For information regarding the legal disposition and recycling of covered television equipment (TVs), visit www.TexasRecyclesTVs.org.
For information on electronic waste recycling, visit https://dec.vermont.gov/waste-management/solid/product-stewardship/electronics#information or call 1-855-6ecycle.
E-Cycle Washington provides free e-cycling for computers, monitors, and TVs at participating collection sites near you. For recycling locations, visit www.ecyclewashington.org or call 1-800-Recycle.
Many electronics may not be thrown in the trash. E-Cycle Wisconsin provides easy and affordable recycling for Wisconsin residents. Visit dnr.wi.gov and search "e-cycle" for more information.